Cleveland Heights - University Heights High School

CHUH’s School Building and Design Challenge

Cleveland Heights-University Heights High School (CHUH) added a series of changes that ultimately rendered their building unusable: entry and wayfinding proved to be confusing, classrooms and hallways were too small, and there was insufficient space for the small schools program to develop and grow.  

Our Design Process and Solution

In collaboration with the Alumni Foundation, the School Board, and KnowledgeWorks we worked to reclaim the school's past. In order to create a courtyard and restore the school's presence at Cedar Road, we removed the 1960's science wing addition and developed a new, accessible entry. Day-to-day activities and community engagement have improved through use of the auditorium, wireless resource center, and aquatic center; and, students and teachers continue to benefit from abundant daylighting, operable windows, and improved indoor air quality in their learning environment. 

Hawken Upper Campus


Saint. Helen K-8 Classrooms